How much money you need to Start a Business?

How much money you need to Start a Business?
Don't have a short answer for this question

That’s a difficult question because the answer depends on multiple factors:

  • What kind of business do you want to start?
  • Where do you live?
  • What’s your skill level?
  • Are you doing alone or are multiple people involved?
  • Can you survive working full time without pay?

Based on the answers to these questions you can figure out how much money you would need.

One of the mistakes people make early on is trying to plan for the cost of the entire business instead of planning for a Minimum Viable Product or MVP.

An MVP in the startup world is not a most valuable player but the smallest or earliest version of product that people would be willing to use or buy. Early on all your focus should be geared on what it would take to make something that a few people would be willing to pay for in this day and age. It’s super simple and cheap to start an internet based business.

If you really want us to answer how much money you need to start a business then answer would be free or under $100, shocker right?

How can something that’s going to be worth millions of dollars be free to put together?

Well, it’s cheap from the financial perspective to start but it will take you a lot of work. Money only speeds things up for you.

For example, it’s free to start an Instagram page. Post regularly, create an audience and when you hit 100,000 followers, try to sell them a product or service related to your page.

Let me give you an example, if you have put together an Instagram page for people who are passionate about the wilderness, about hunting, about nature and these followers are actually engaged with your page and look to you as a sign of authority. You could find a specific piece of gear like a Swiss Army Knife or anything camping related to promote to them in exchange the company who manufactures said item will pay you a percentage of the sale you have generated for them. Repeat that process a number of time until you have enough.

Now that you have money you could use it to make your own version of that product and directly sell it to your audience.

Congratulations, you did it. This is just one of literally thousands of examples of business that can be created without any cash upfront.

If you have $100 saved up, that’s more than enough to buy yourself a domain name, some cheap hosting and a wordpress theme to customise yourself into a working store for your business. It’s never been easy because it’s easy it has a lot of competition.

It doesn’t cost much to start a business if you are willing to put in the work and have the necessary discipline and expertise. A lack of money is just an excuse which means you are too lazy to figure out a way to make it work with the resources at hand.

The book $100 Startup which showcases businesses that were started for less than a hundred bucks is a must read.